Phone email signature examples
Phone email signature examples

phone email signature examples

We use these custom attributes in our Mimecast Signature. We then have a process that takes the choices our users make and updates custom Active Directory attributes. This part could be accomplished anywhere, including a basic web page or electronic form. So, how does this work? These choices are presented to users in one of our firm systems (our entry screen is below).

phone email signature examples

I could also have chosen not to include it. My current signature and a signature with all the options selected are below: Existing signature All options selectedĮach of the email options I selected were: And users have the ability to customize their signature within this design. After using this new method for a few months, we still only have a single Mimecast email signature in production use which I feel is a huge win. The goal was to meet all of the needs mentioned above and more, while having to maintain as few signature templates as possible. Recognizing a change was needed, I entirely re-engineered our Mimecast email signatures. While we had started with just a single Mimecast email signature, we soon had request for custom choices. For example, what if someone wanted a different or simpler first name? Some people wanted to list their cell phone numbers. Others wanted their job title included, or custom suffixes. Some wanted to have multiple options applied to them. Because of this list of options, we maintained 13 different Mimecast signatures.


The management became time consuming, which led me to figure out how to create custom Mimecast email signatures. A few months ago, I found myself frustrated with how we had implemented email signatures. We use Mimecast to apply signatures to external recipients. We chose this solution as it was already available to us as part of our Mimecast subscription, and was better than using Outlook signatures.

Phone email signature examples